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Professional HandyMan
From exhaust fan assessment to reviewing attic space and cleaning refrigerator coils to give you a safe life.
24/7 Services
If you are in emergency situation, please don't worry. We provide 24/7 service. Whenever you call, we service you.
Affordable Price
We do more than a renovation service- we check for glitches that need attention to keep you safe and save your money.
Why Should Choose Us?
Every home owner has a list of handyman, home repair, or home improvement projects he or she needs done both interior and exterior. Sometimes that list can get quite long, too! The bathrooms that needs updating. The garbage disposal that’s on the fritz. The basement that needs drywall repairs. But with today’s busy lifestyles, who has the time
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- Andmete taastamine kõvakettalt
- Telerite ja elektroonikaseadmete komponentide tasemel remont
- Väiksemate kodumasinate ja seadmete parandus
- Tahmakassettide täitmine ja printerite remont
- Mobiiltelefonide ja GPS-seadmete parandus
- Raadiosaatjate sageduste ümberseadistamine
- Remondime tuntumate tootjate tahvelarvuteid: Samsung, Asus, Apple. Katkise klaasi (digitizer) vahetus
- Vastavalt kliendi soovile mänguarvuti või serveri kokkupanemine
- VHS-videokassetilt DVD-kettale koopia tegemine
- Failidest ja fotodest koopiate tegemine
- Külmikute, konditsioneeride ja muude kliimaseadmete ning nende osade remont
- Kohvimasinate ja muude kuuma ning külma joogi seadmete parandus
- Elektriliste tööriistade kordategemine
- Heli- ja valgustehnika remont
- Kliendi tellimuse järgi väiksema elektroonika- või elektriseadme valmistamine
- Tuntud ja tundmatute elektroonikaseadmete remonT
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque consectetur justo ac
Soovin väga tänada ja kiita Teie firmat, eriti rocca itbussi teenindajat, kahjuks ei küsinud nime. Aga tehnik on oma töö meister. Parandas mulle ca tunni jooksul sülearvutit ning seletas miks selline mure on tekkinud. Olen väga-väga tänulik! Aitäh!
Jekaterina DubovikKlient
Your crews work more than expected. Even I call at early morning or at night they come and do the work prompt and effective. They are friendly and has a careful style of work. I am satisfy and recommend other to use your service.

I’m very pleased with the work provided by our contractor Leo. He called to verify appointment times, arrived on time and was very professional and personable. The quality of work was timely and top notch.

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James Dean
David Villar
Arlo Reilly
Crawford Kerry
Jem Ernie
Mort Bernie